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Monday, August 02, 2010

RSS is Anti national and

Yes, I am convinced that RSS is not good. The reasons for this are as follows:

RSS is a communal Organization, HENCE IT IS not good

RSS believes in Communal disharmony and does activities which creates Communal disharmony in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, HENCE IT not good

For RSS, Gujarat / Maharastra comes first and AND UP/Bihar comes last in terms of socio economic development.........., HENCE IT IS not good
RSS only does Social Work and helps poor & adivasis in gujarat/ maharastra, HENCE IT IS not good

Whenever there is any Terror strike like Mumbai terror attacks RSS workers never come into scene , HENCE IT IS not good

RSS just makes statements about Kashmir issue to gain political mileage and supports people like Bal Thakre and Raj thakre, HENCE IT IS not good

RSS does not believe in True Secularism and creates hatred between hindu and muslims, HENCE IT IS not good

RSS doesnt know the true meaning of Sanatana Dharma and also it doesnt respects other religions, HENCE IT IS not good

RSS Teaches & Practices Patriotism, HENCE IT IS not good

RSS supports Divide & Rule, HENCE IT IS not good

RSS treats every one unequal, HENCE IT IS not good

I hope, now the readers understand why RSS is not good

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Anonymous said...

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