Come and play Airport madness game , i have heard its awesome and many people play it

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I might be sounding a little philosophical or poetical to you , whatever u call it after u read my todays post..But well actually its somethng going on in the life of a friend of mine. My friend , Daniel , fell in love with a white girl called leena somewhere from poland , i dont know the exact location.But one thing is definitely for sure that there's nothing that can't be conquered with love on your side. No matter what it is. Love is neither brown nor white. It has no boundaries or rules. Live and learn by it .Lets not forget our hero , Daniel, in this love philosophy :) .Daniel actually feared that lena would'nt love him because she was white and he was brown. So daniel called up her mother one day and asked her that why was it so that he was brown and lena was white. His mother could understand daniel's problem and she replied that while god was making lena, it was summer and the sun was shining very brightly and he asked daniel to face the sun and protect lena from it.And so he was brown and lena was white.she also said that though he was brown, his heart was white and pure and when the white girl looks into his heart she will start loving him. Hearing this from his mommy Daniel was really happy.Well...I really dont know what happened after this , will have to get the updates from daniel. Keep reading my blogs to know the later part of the story.

1 comment:

Chintan said...

... dude.. being in a alien country for quite a thing that I have noticed is that love is beyond color or race or (in some cases even sex :) but it is important that you share some "ideas" and "beliefs" and "thoughts". Tis is where it gets interesting, given that people from different 'countries' generally dont have that sort of commonalities, even though there might be some form of 'attraction' initially but that doesnt survive long enough since at latter stage.. your culture, your idealogies, your beliefs dont match at ALL ! Hence, if Daniel doesnt share these things in common with Leena.. he better get over the initial infatuation or else he might be in trouble !!

keep it up dude.. I love philosophy :)