Come and play Airport madness game , i have heard its awesome and many people play it

Thursday, February 24, 2005

The assassination of former Lebanese President Hariri did not occur at the hands of a suicide bomber as first speculated. Growing evidence points to the fact that the explosion originated from the middle of the street and from underground. Does anyone else see the global significance of this or is mine the only perceptive mind around? How many times have y'all seen a movie where either the good guys or the bad guys set up a fake road construction site when they are really digging an underground tunnel or robbing a bank or something equally intricate? I can't get over the fact that sometime, within the last few weeks, assassins masquerading as a construction crew were practicing their dark trade in plain sight of the ignorant public. It makes me want to go out and purchase construction cones and keep them in my trunk. Our story doesn't end there. The movie continues. There were apparently six Australian Nationals who were suspected of the assassination. What? Syria would have been my chief suspect of course. If you are easily persuaded by factless speculation you could even go so far as to suspect Israel or the U.S. But an Australian sleeper cell? Chrenkoff reports the Aussies have now been cleared. This entire blog entry serves simply to hammer home one major point (and I am smugly satisfied that I have done so). The absurd plot twists on Alias this season AREN'T as bad as I thought and the series isn't going down the drain. Now excuse me while I go fix the potholes on the street outside my apartment.

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