Come and play Airport madness game , i have heard its awesome and many people play it

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Just so that you know, I do not believe in heroes. During the course of my life, given my well known ambitions,
I have often been asked (or in some cases told):

"Oh, you must really look up to xxxxx, right?"

The answer to this question and to other similar ones is a resounding "NO!"
In fact, I dismiss the entire concept of a "hero."

he-ro n. - In mythology and legend, a man, often of divine ancestry, who is endowed with great
courage and strength, celebrated for his bold exploits, and favored by the gods.
The reason I try not to admire anyone is because deep down inside I believe that all human beings
are fundamentally flawed and will never live up to your expectations for them (especially if you are
foolish enough to choose a hero who is a sports star or some other type of celebrity). I have preferred
instead to believe in myself as a sort of anti-hero because I know that I will never let myself down and
if I do then I can curse myself all I want. This doesn't mean that I possess delusions of grandeur but
rather that I believe in living an honest life and trying to set a good example by my actions.

wasn't always this cynical. Years ago someone that I admired greatly let me down and sent me on my path toward anti-herodom.

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