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Friday, June 29, 2007

Spouse , a book i am reading myte

Frankly speaking of all other the books which i have read of Shobha De i have;nt really admired her work except
"Speed Post" . All of her works which i have read is mostly about personal lifestyles of rich people of "South Mumbai" , who
try to imitate the lifesyles of the Hippy Westerners , but eventually end up being more dirtier.
and hence , most of the times her books are filled up with dirt and sleaze in my Personal opinion , from whatver i have read in her books.
And May be she too writes that because that is what use to sells among the indian readers.

Now I am reading the book Spouse by Shobhaa De’ which I happen to purchased form a vendor near my company guest house where i am currently staying.
Usually the characters in De's books have less or no substance in their
life with no resemblance to reality but just an ostentatious diplay of thier high profile lifestyle and wealth.
They were just social objects and nothing more to that, "Speed Post" being an exception to that which is a collection of posts
by her to her son and daughters.It depicts her relationship with her children as a parent, and herself as a child to her
own parents also taking into consideration her other relations. Now here she has acted like a true and a wise indian mother
taking care of her kids and guiding them through the rights and wrongs of life, and also giving then enough space to grow and mature , independently wihtin the
indian societal limits. But as far as i have understood the Westerner too do a much mature and better pareting of their
kids , and raise them to become successful individuals when they are grown ups.

Any way the book spouse which i am reading through currently , may be i got interested to read it because of my recent
marriage, but i am not much sure if i picked it up for that one reason as i had nohting in my book shelf to read lately.
This book by De’ deals with the success, failures, setbacks and joys of married life enlisting instances
of her experiences. As the book says it about trust, companionship, affection, sharing ( one's finances, belongings ,car , gas bill, credit card bill and monthly rations to everything that can be bought on earth etc etc )
and claims to enlist how
marriages work and why they fail. Apart from suggestions and practice leaning practices what makes this book most
interesting is that it opens a window to De’s very own married life which is more real with less frills or drama
of high social life. One can easily relate to similar instances in their own life. If not called as a complete guidebook
of married life then at least it can be taken as a reference book dealing with a-to-z issues relating to marriage.
Another thing to look for in this book is its interesting tittles ,( with hindi sub-headings )given to the various chapters.

Both the above books opens up De’ in a more transparent and honest and interesting manner. When it comes to portray
her character, it is herself only emerging as the most down to earth, mature, sensitive,
emotional and strong person capable of enough respect. Well May be someone close to her can comment on it better ,
because as a reader we just come to know about her from what she writes , Whcih i think is not enough to guess about a writer's personality as they are a "pro" in the job of a writer/author myte ;)

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