Come and play Airport madness game , i have heard its awesome and many people play it

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Tsunami tidal waves causes havoc

As you are aware, the deadly Tsunami waves triggered by a huge under-the-sea quake has resulted in a great loss of lives on the south-eastern coast of India. In this hour of need, we must leverage our resources to help our community in every way we can.
Many indian relief organisations are organizing immediate relief measures to those affected by this catastrophe.The organization where i am currently employed IBM , India is proactively working on this . As the first phase of relief measures we are organizing, IBM Club drop boxes will be mobilized at key IBM locations for its employees to donate clothes, blankets, utensils and medicines. A detailed note on this will follow.
In the past, during the Gujarat Earthquake, IBM has leveraged its technology expertise to help in disaster of such magnitude.Its already in talks with the Government to determine the support required. It is also in the process of identifying the appropriate relief agency for the financial contribution.
I urge each of you to support this initiative. This reiterates our commitment to our community and is a way of living our values.

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