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Saturday, January 22, 2011

China to cooperate with Bihar in several sector

China is interested in developing cooperation with Bihar in the economic, cultural and infrastructure sectors and to begin with, the Chinese government has donated $1 million for the development of Nalanda International University.

This was stated by the Chinese envoy to India, Zhang Yan, here on Thursday after holding meeting with chief minister Nitish Kumar. The two held talks for over half-an-hour and both said it was very fruitful and meaningful. The envoy was accompanied by his wife, Chen Wangxia.

Yan congratulated Nitish for the economic development of Bihar, and also extended an invitation to the CM to visit Beijing.
To a query by TOI about the nature of cooperation between China and Bihar, Yan said since China saw Bihar as a fast developing economy , there could be joint efforts to expand cooperation.

Bihar is a major agriculture state, just as China is. We can work together for developing scientific methods for establishing agro industries. Food is getting more expensive around the world and agriculturally developed regions can help reduce food inflation, Yan said.

The ambassador, who arrived on a two-day visit, first by a Chinese diplomat after a long time, will visit Nalanda on Friday. He would hold discussions with the chancellor and vice-chancellor of Nalanda University and also see the Xuan Zang memorial hall, named after the legendary Chinese traveller. Yan visited Patna museum too and was quite impressed with the items on display.

But among this good news there was also a news that three suspious Chinese person were arrested in Uttar Pradesh recently but later it was known that They were Chinese tourists visting India.

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