Come and play Airport madness game , i have heard its awesome and many people play it

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Rules for would-be winners of wars and life in general

This aint any S*** bro !!

I am writing these rules to win after doing a lot of analysis.

Rules for would-be winners of wars and life in general

1.)Know Thy Enemy, Know Thyself (Then Pick Your Spots)

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference."

2.) Lie and Spy (or You're Sure to Die)
"There are no areas in which one does not employ spies."

3.) Consider the Ocean (or Even the River)
"A military force has no constant formation, as water has no constant shape."
Translation: be flexible, be creative, and take whatever advantage or opportunity your enemy gives you.
"Changing and adapting according to the opponent, is called a genius"

4.) Take Care of #1 (and the Rest Takes Care of Itself)
"Being unconquerable lies with yourself; being conquerable lies with the enemy."

5.)Win Fast (or Don't Fight)
"It is never beneficial to a nation to have a military operation continue for a long time."

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