Come and play Airport madness game , i have heard its awesome and many people play it

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Sweet as Bro !!!

Sweet as Bro!!! That’s a Kiwi phrase for something which means something like Sweet as a Brother.

I haven't been able to write in a while because the internet at the apartments has been expensive. Right now I am in the city of Auckland again which is situated on the tip of North Island, New Zealand. Anyway, things are going really well. Last Friday I jumped on a Kiwi Experience bus. My pass wass from Auckland to Christchurch, but the bus is a neat way to get around the country because it does not go on a direct route, it zigzags all over the place. On Friday I went to Cathedral Cove on the east coast of the country where I was treated to beautiful views of the ocean. I had spent the night in a small town called Whitianga (pronounced Fitianga) and stayed at this really small hostel that had clearly been converted from a house. That night I Int out to the local pub where they were showing rugby match and I ended up talking to locals the entire night, it was a lot of fun. The next morning I headed to Rotorua which is situated around a bunch of thermal activity, geysers and the like. That night a group of us went to a Maori concert and hangi. They danced, sang, and preformed an extended version of the Haka for us and then I ate a meal that had been cooked underground, it was quite delicious. The next morning I went to the thermal fields in Rotorua and then proceeded on to Waitomo which is famous for the underground caves they have there. On Sunday morning I went through the caves on an intertube which was fun, but frightening at parts because of the proximity of my head to the ceiling of the cave. I then headed onward to Taupo. Yesterday I went on the Tongariro crossing, a 10 mile trek across volcanos and craters. Mt. Tongariro is Mt. Doom from Lord of the Rings. The views from the top Ire amazing, it is hard to put it into words. Today I went skydiving from 12,000ft which is one of the best things I have ever done. It was really scary, but so worth it, I want to do it again. On the bus there are a bunch of really fun people. There are two girls I have been hanging out with the most because they are also travelling alone. One is called Laura and she is from Ireland and the other is Isabel and she is from Germany. They are both great company and we are now kind of travelling together, in a way. Everyone on the bus has created this bond and some of us are leaving tomorrow while some are staying and it is kind of sad. The scenery everywhere is beautiful and there are a lot of sheep and also a lot of cows. Well, I am still trying to figure out a way to put pictures on this site, I promise I will get some up as soon as possible. I tried on this computer I am on now, but it didn't work for some reason. Anyway, tomorrow I am off to River Valley and then abck to auckland. I will try and write again when I make it to Auckland where I will make another attempt at the pictures.

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